Brent river and Grand Union Canal Walk

We haven’t done any walking since the coastal walk back in early September and today looked like the weather would be good so I planned a long walk. We did around 11 miles from Sudbury Town underground and along Brent river valley and the Grand Union Canal down to Thames and Kew Bridge then got the train back. Some great sights, lovely to see the seasons change in the trees and a pretty good constitutional, both feeling a bit exhausted now…

20121007-175339.jpg Grand Union Canal in the sun

20121007-175712.jpg Have forgotten the name of this railway bridge, it was built by Brunel and looked fantastic. Apparently Queen Victoria liked to have her train stop in the middle so she could look out on both sides and take in the views.

20121007-180043.jpg A cute little boat in a marina in Brentford

20121007-180226.jpg And a boat yard. Think next walk we’ll start in Kew then see how far towards Crystal Palace we can get before exhaustion.